On Saturday January 28th our Concord Rotary Club joined with the Rotary Clubs of Bedford and Merrimack Valley to help the Sleep in Heavenly Peace non-profit organization build beds. We had over 25 people helping in two shifts. 43 headboards for 23 ½ beds were built. These beds are built for children who would otherwise be sleeping on the floor. We first learned of this volunteer opportunity from one of our past Concord Rotarians, Chris Alphen. Chris is the President of the Middlesex County Chapter and he, along with his team, work tirelessly to make sure these beds are provided to any child in need. Rotarians are always happy to get together to support other non-profits that truly make a difference like Sleep in Heavenly Peace. We also have a lot of fun while we are volunteering. Check out our photo album to see me more pictures.