What a fabulous day we had for our 2nd Annual MusicFest on May 25th. The weather was picture perfect with blue skies and a lovely breeze. Our attendance was almost doubled from last year and we expect it will be even bigger and better next year. Save the date, the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Due to the generosity of our sponsors and raffle donations we were able to donate $9,000 to DVSN. Thank you very much to the following supporters. 
Adam Winstanley, Bogosian Electric, Wheelhouse, Concord Cultural Council, Concord Teacakes, Connex, Deaconess, Dunkin’ Donuts(Pesce Family) Fabio Construction, Mcwalter Volunteer Insurance, Middlesex Savings Bank,
Adam and Susan Winstanley, Concord Cultural Council, Concord Flower Shop, Dee Funeral Home, Frame-ables, Judy Garlan, Merlin's Silver Star, Margaret Leneri, Pay Plus Payroll, Sarah Kussin Real Estate, Scheier & Katin & Epstein,
Sharon Spaulding, Verrill Farm, Club Car Cafe, Clay Art and Concept, Concord Teacakes, Comella's, Deborah's Natural Gourmet, Doe & Fawn, Embracing Wellness, Firefly, Joy Street, Loveday, Nashoba Brook Bakery, Puck & Abby
Revolutionary Concord, SaltBox Kitchen, Stretch Concord, West Village Tavern, West Concord Pharmacy,West Concord Wine and Spirits
We truly appreciate all who donated and came out to support this worthy cause.